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Award Winning Breakfast & Brunch

Join Us for a Meal to Remember!

large breakfast

Our Chef & Staff

When Ann Brady opened Toast in St. Albert in 2015, little did she know how well the restaurant would be received. She had owned several tea rooms in Ireland, so when she opened Toast here, she offered a menu of Canadian breakfast classics with an Irish flair. And the reviews and awards speak to Toast’s success: Best of T8N winner for breakfast and brunch; Ignite Award of Distinction; St. Albert Gazette Readers’ Choice Award winner for breakfast, and the list goes on. Come in and see for yourself!

lunch wrap with fries

Dine In or Take Out

We have worked to package our meals in a way that lets you bring the quality of our meals into your home. We always love to see you in person, but even when we can’t we ensure that your dining experience is top notch!


Seasonal & Local

We refuse to compromise on quality in our restaurant. That’s why we source our fresh ingredients from local producers, wherever possible. No matter what time of year, you can be sure you’re eating the best of the season.

Visit Us Today

St. Albert
11 Bellerose Drive #6b
St. Albert, AB T8N 5C9


Sherwood Park
270 Baseline Rd Unit 168
Sherwood Park, AB T8H 1R4


17328 Hiller Rd SW
Edmonton, AB T6W 4H3


Hours of Operation
Monday – Saturday: 7:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Sundays & Holidays: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
