Dr. Brynah Schneider


“When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.“

— Victor E. Frankl, survivor of Aushwitz, author


Dr. Brynah Schneider is a registered psychologist in full time private practice in London, Ontario since 1992. Brynah works with adult individuals only. She also offers EMDR Therapy Basic Training for professional development. Brynah is fierce in her commitment to honour diversity and welcomes individuals of all cultures, religions, and/or sexual orientations into her practice. Brynah works with a wide range of therapeutic issues with a special interest in working with cancer, crisis, grief, loss, personal growth, posttraumatic stress, and trauma.

Professional Credentials

Brynah is committed to continuing education and has taken intensive training over the course of her career. Brynah is an EMDRIA-approved consultant and trainer. Brynah is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. She has found EMDR therapy to be the most powerful and enduring therapeutic intervention to heal a wide range of presenting clinical issues.

Professional Training

EMDR therapy is Brynah’s primary therapeutic treatment and her eclectic background allows for a robust treatment approach. She has extensive experience and training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Gestalt, Hypnotherapy, and Psychodramatic Bodywork.

First Nations

Brynah is an approved provider for the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch of the Medical Services Branch of Health Canada. She has worked with First Nations individuals in both group and individual settings.

If you would like to book a clinical session or individual consultation session, please . If you do not have access to a computer, please call her at (519) 679-1952.